New Mexico ISO 9000 Certification Training

Every business owner is looking for ways to expand revenue, increase new business opportunities, and optimize efficiency. The New Mexico Economic Development Department, in partnership with the New Mexico Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NM MEP), provides the tools and knowledge for ISO 9001:15 registration through the NM 9000 Certification Training program.

Success in the export market is critical for small and mid-size companies since it is estimated that 96 percent of consumers are located outside the U.S. By recent estimates companies that export pay higher salaries on average and have reported a 32 percent increase in revenue as opposed to a 19 percent decrease among those companies who only pursue the domestic market.

What is the New Mexico 9000 Certification Training?

New Mexico 9000 Certification Training provides new and expanding industries the tools and training to become more competitive.

Training is delivered by NM MEP and funded through the JTIP Enhanced Skills Training Program, Step Up for up to two participants per company. NM MEP provides training on Quality Management Systems, which may include ISO9001: 15; ISO13485:08 AS9100:08; AS9120:09; and AS9101:201. Training may include instruction in the following areas with the goal of providing ISO quality standards to ensure NM based companies remain and/or improve competitiveness:

Companies that need to maintain ISO Certification and/or registration, or those seeking certification in ISO Standards for the first time may be eligible to participate. Training is delivered by Certified ISO Experts at NM MEP at a minimal out-of-pocket expense to the company. Participating companies must demonstrate an in-kind match of at least 25% of the project’s reimbursable costs.

Why should my small business become ISO compliant?

ISO 9001:15 is a quality management standard recognized by more than 170 countries and required by most major companies and governments in the United States, Mexico, Canada, Europe and Asia of its suppliers. New Mexico 9000 Certification Training provides training specific to assist New Mexico businesses in becoming prepared for ISO9001:15 registration and other Quality Management Systems, which provide the following benefits to businesses:

Advantages of ISO 9001:15 Registrationx

For more information, please contact Sara Gutiérrez, or 505-827-0249 or Claudia Serrano, or 505-314-9131.