SSBCI Technical Assistance Program

SSBCI 2.0 and available funding and no-cost technical assistance

SSBCI 2.0 y la financiación disponible y la asistencia técnica gratuita

What technical assistance could I receive if I am eligible for the program?
¿Qué tipo de asistencia técnica podría recibir si soy elegible para el programa?

SSBCI 2.0 brings new small business funding, training, and support to New Mexico. We are committed to providing our small businesses with the tools and resources they need to start, grow, and thrive. That’s why we’re excited to introduce SSBCI 2.0 – the next evolution of our Small Business Success Capital Initiatives designed to empower entrepreneurs across the state.

If you’re looking to take your established company to the next level, SSBCI 2.0 offers new funding opportunities, training programs, mentorship, and support tailored specifically to New Mexico small businesses like yours.

SSBCI 2.0 trae nuevos fondos, capacitación y apoyo a las pequeñas empresas de Nuevo México. Estamos comprometidos a proporcionar a nuestras pequeñas empresas las herramientas y recursos necesarios para comenzar, crecer y prosperar. Es por eso que estamos muy contentos de presentar SSBCI 2.0 – la próxima evolución de nuestras Iniciativas de Capital para el Éxito de la Pequeña Empresa diseñadas para empoderar a los empresarios de todo el estado.

Si usted está buscando llevar a su empresa establecida al siguiente nivel, SSBCI 2.0 ofrece nuevas oportunidades de financiación, programas de capacitación, tutoría y apoyo adaptados específicamente a las pequeñas empresas de Nuevo México como la suya.

Eligible businesses must qualify as a Very Small Business (VSB) or a Social Economically Disadvantaged Individual (SEDI) owned business. 

A Very Small Business (VSB) is defined as a business with fewer than 10 employees and includes independent contractors and sole proprietors.

A SEDI-owned business is: a business enterprise that self-certifies that it is owned and controlled by individuals who have had their access to credit on reasonable terms diminished compared to others in comparable economic circumstances, due to (1) membership of a group that has been subjected to racial or ethnic prejudice or cultural bias within American society, (2) gender, (3) veteran status, (4) limited English proficiency, (5) disability, (6) long-term residence in an environment isolated from the mainstream of American society, (7) membership of a Federally or state-recognized Indian Tribe, (8) long-term residence in a rural community, (9) residence in a U.S. territory, (10) residence in a community undergoing economic transitions (including communities impacted by the shift towards a net-zero economy or deindustrialization), or (11) membership of an underserved community.

A full definition of VSB and SEDI can be found here on page 3.