Netflix Plans to Boost New Mexico Presence with Expansion of ABQ Studios

SANTA FE, NM – Today, New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham andAlbuquerque Mayor Tim Keller together with Netflix Co-CEO Ted Sarandos announcedthat Netflix, the world’s leading internet entertainment service, plans to boost its presencein the state by expanding ABQ Studios and committing to an additional $1 billion inproduction spend. The expansion will add 300 acres to the company’s existing space atABQ Studios, located in Albuquerque’s Mesa Del Sol area, making it one of the largesthigh-tech and sustainable film production facilities in North America. The investment willresult in the creation of an estimated 1,000 production jobs in New Mexico over the nextten years. An additional 1,467 construction jobs will be also created to complete theexpansion.
