Join the MainStreet Program

New Mexico MainStreet operates a “tiered” system, in which communities have several points of entry for participation in the state program, organizations must meet certain staged benchmarks to progress through the program. All communities wishing to pursue MainStreet must first apply to participate in the program.

Participating communities explore the Main Street Four-Point Approach®, create a local organization and public-private partnership with the local government, and implement small-scale downtown revitalization projects. Communities receive guidance, advice and training from New Mexico MainStreet personnel. No funding is associated with this program. Projects and activities are supported through local fundraising efforts from public and private sectors.

When Legislative funding to New Mexico MainStreet allows for new communities to be considered in the Main Street America program, a competitive application process will be opened by NMMS for community revitalization programs to apply to, be reviewed and ranked, and if meeting eligibility criteria, be designated for participation in the New Mexico MainStreet Accelerator process as a pathway to Main Street America designation. Those aspiring revitalization programs which have a dedicated history of at least 6 months of attendance at NMMS workshops, webinars, trainings and quarterlies will be allowed to apply. Frontier Community participants are encouraged to apply for and successfully complete two successive Frontier Community projects prior to applying for participation in the MainStreet Accelerator process.

If selected, a community revitalization program will receive Accelerator Program services, an intensive 18-month capacity-building process establishing a pathway to the NMSC Main Street America program. Upon successful completion of required Accelerator Program benchmarks, the organization may be designated as a MainStreet America Affiliate or Accredited Program.

National Main Street Center Certifications, Tiers, and Recognitions

How to Become a MainStreet Community – Getting Started

All communities that are interested in the MainStreet Program are encouraged to attend New Mexico MainStreet trainings and meetings to learn more about the MainStreet Approach to downtown revitalization.  More information and to sign up for our institutes and meetings can be found on the NMMS Calendar.